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Hello and welcome to the Blog. Today I just have a small condensed post for you, explaining more of the rules we will be using for our Fantasy Campaign. Let's get right to business, shall we?
Make Overall General
Any character who can legally lead your army. Fixed, cannot change equipment, mount, nor magic lore during the campaign.
Make two lieutenants.
Make two more characters who can legally lead your army. Fixed. Each of these, and your overall General, will lead one of your three armies in the campaign.
Choose Theme song.
Important! Also bring this on your phone to play during your eventual Victory Dance.
Start thinking up names for certain units
Some of your units will become Regiments of Renown as you play games. These will need names, so you might as well think up some now!
Choose Allies & Enemies
Choose who will be your allies and who will be your enemies. Not very important during the campaign, but some rolls on the Random Events table do affect these relationships.
Deployment on map
Roll off, highest chooses a capital tile, then the next highest rolling, etc etc.
Each player places one Mine and one Fortress in his territory, not on the same tile
Flying Fastness
Flying Fastness is placed in central square and then scatters two tiles randomly.
Ready for the first Campaign Turn!
Campaign Turn Sequence
1. Move Fortress
2. Random Events
3. Plan Moves
4. Move Armies
5. Declare War
6. Roll for Mines
7. Fight Battle(s)
8. Resolve Victories & Defeats
9. Resolve Expeditions
10. End of Turn
Move Fortress
At the start of every Campaign Turn Fozzrik’s Flying Fastness moves D6 tiles in a random direction. If it reaches the edge of the map, it’ll bounce back and finish its move.
Random Events
Each player, starting with the one with the smallest empire, rolls a D66 on the Random Events Table on p. 17 of the book.
Plan Moves
If this is the first turn of a season, each player places each of his armies in his own territory.
Every player plans the path each of his armies will travel during the next step. Remember that each army will move a random number of tiles (D3) and you will not roll for this until the next step, so plan a move for all options!
For example, a Banner of the Warriors of Chaos starts the turn on Tile 51. The (no doubt very intelligent and handsome) Warriors of Chaos player plans the following move: start 51, 41, 31, 27.
Move Armies
Each player then rolls a D3 for each of his armies and moves them as far along his planned move as possible. One army always has to stay inside the borders of your own empire, to defend it. Each army has to move as far as possible, according to your planned move. Note that you do not have to plan to use a banner’s full move if you only want it to move a single tile anyway, for instance.
Declare War
The fun bit! Starting with the player who has the smallest Empire, each player in turn can challenge another player to battle. A player may issue one challenge per turn and you may not issue a challenge if you have been challenged (unless you want to play more than one battle, of course).
The place of the armies on the map is crucial to who you can challenge. When it comes round to your turn to issue a challenge take a look down this list and see whether you fulfill any of the criteria, one by one:
- If you have an army in the same tile as another (non-allied) player, you must issue a challenge to them
- Otherwise, if another (non-allied) player has an army in your empire, you must issue a challenge to them.
- Otherwise, if you have an army in another (non-allied) player’s empire, you must issue a challenge to them.
- Otherwise, if none of these apply, you may challenge any player any of your allies could challenge instead.
Roll for Mines
Roll a D6 for each of the mines in your Empire and consult the chart on p. 20 of the book.
Fight Battles
Fight the battle you decided to fight in the Declare War phase. You and your opponent need to decide on a tile where the Battle is taking place. Usually this is the tile both armies are in.
Look at the map for inspiration for terrain (extra marshes in a coastal tile, more hills in a mountain tile, etc) on the battlefield.
- The armies can be of any mutually agreeable points value
- You must take all Heroes of Legend and Regiments of Renown listed on the roster for this army.
- If one army is bigger than the other (due to Random Events, territories, or something else), the difference may never be more than 25%.
Resolve Victories & Defeats
For every battle fought, the winner rolls a D6 on the Spoils of War table (p.19) and the loser rolls a D6 on the Ignominious Defeats table (p.19). Both players roll a D6 on the Character Injury table for every Hero of Legend that was removed as a casualty during the game.
Finally, the winner of each battle rolls a D6:
1-3 The defeated army is driven back a tile towards its own Empire (or Capital)
4-6 The defeated army is removed from the map as it scatters fleeing home.
Note that at the start of each new season, all players can once again place all three armies in his own Empire.
Resolve Expeditions
Besides defeating enemy armies, your own armies can launch expeditions to do all manner of things. Starting with the smallest Empire, resolve each of the armies in turn:
- If your army was driven back by another army it may do nothing else this turn.
- If your army is in in an unclaimed tile, you may claim it.
- If your army is in a tile occupied by an enemy army and a battle wasn’t fought, roll a D6: on a 1, your army is removed, on a 2-3 your army is driven back a tile, on a 4-5 the enemy is driven back a tile, and on a 6 the enemy army is removed
- If an army is in its own Empire, it may build a Fortress, a Mine or a Wizard’s Tower. Each tile may only have one building. If there already is a Fortress on the tile, it can be upgraded to a City instead. Each army may only build once per Season (so keep track!).
- If your army is in an enemy tile that does not contain any enemy armies, you may attempt to conquer it. The enemy play may attempt to make a Fortification Save to see if he can garrison the tile in time and drive you off. Roll a D6 and apply the following modifiers
o The tile borders a tile you already own – 1
o The tile is adjacent to a friendly Fortress +1
o The tile is adjacent to a friendly City +2
o Your opponent can give you a relic to bribe you to leave you alone. For every relic handed over he gains +1
If the roll is 6+ the tile does not change hands. If the Fortification save is failed the tile is conquered.
End of Turn
Tidy up the board, remove all armies from the board and get ready to place all armies back on the board next turn!
Race Specific Rules
High Elves – Whenever moving an army, the High Elf player may reroll the D3 for movement for each of his armies. In addition, a High Elf player counts all coastal tiles a being adjacent to his empire, even if they are not.
Lizardmen – Lizardmen cities also count as Wizard’s Towers.
Ogre Kingdoms – The Capital city of an Ogre empire can move in the same way as an army, but may not leave the borders of its own empire.
Vampire Counts – Vampire Counts characters may re-roll results on the Character Injury table, though they must accept the second result.
Warriors of Chaos – When a Warriors of Chaos army is conquering an enemy tile, apply a further -1 modifier on the Fortification Save.
That’s it for today! See you next time!