
zaterdag 26 mei 2012

Sneak peek!

I have been sent this mysterious picture by Bra'tac. Apparently he's been hard at work painting for this week's part of our Farewell to 5th painting challenge.
I think the weathering looks awesome and I can't wait to see what he'll have done by the end of the week.
What do you guys think?

dinsdag 22 mei 2012

Monday Morning Gamer 22-5

Hello and good morning! I think this is a first: me actually posting a Monday Morning Gamer post on an actual morning! (It’s 8:14 am here, for those wondering). Sure, pessimists might point to the fact that it is Tuesday instead of Monday, but I choose to look at the glass as half full!

Anyway, another shortish post for you this morning. I have a few thoughts on the new Empire book. I know it’s been out for a while already, but I didn’t do a proper post on it before so I’ll mention some thoughts now. Secondly, we have another installment of our Farewell to 5th painting challenge. We’ve hit a sizeable snag last week, which I’ll mention below, but most of us managed to push through and get some painting done. Lastly, just some thoughts on the way army selection works in our group currently. Nothing big, just some thoughts I’ve had while playing in our Blood in the Badlands campaign.

Let’s get to is, shall we?

maandag 14 mei 2012

Monday Morning Gamer 14/5

Goodday to all! I have a short post for you today. Haven´t been up to much gaming lately, so have nothing to share on that front. What I do have for you are some pics! Last week we started a Farewell to 5th painting challenge and my, my, are we off to a great start! Well, when I say great, I actually mean a good start. Or rather, let´s just say we´ve at the very least gotten started! Check below for more!

Also, as has been mentioned over on our Blood in the Badlands page, I promised to put up two versions of the map Shalen made for our campaign. One is with grids, the other is completely grid-less.

maandag 7 mei 2012

Monday Morning Gamer 7/5

Hello and welcome to a long-overdue edition of Monday Morning Gamer! As per usual on a blog, real life events have kept me from updating the blog regularly. Still, here’s an update for you now! As luck would have it, there hasn’t been much to report on the campaign front this past month either. I’ll give you a recap of the final turn of Spring and talk about the Battle for Mount Bloodhorn we played yesterday. Also, as sort of a new attempt to paint a few models, Balephon, Bra’tac and myself have joined in a little Farewell to 5th painting challenge. Lastly, I promised a few weeks back that I’d talk a bit about how my Ogres are doing at tournaments. I’ve had a bit of think and decided to change a thing or two in an effort to actually improve my tournament record (which, to be honest, is just a notch above abysmal the last few years).