
woensdag 18 januari 2012

Midweek Modelling 18-1

Yes, it's picture time again! I've been busy over the past few weeks and managed to get some stuff done. Here's what I've been up to:

More tanks! Needs flames next.

One WLC finished, including base
Blood dripping
I like the big shields
Making a box of 20 skellies work for you: 30 skellies rising from the ground.

And the Dystopian Wars stuff I have painted (one Covenant of Antartica Starter set):

Size Comparison

Whole fleet painted
The small stuff

And finally a WiP of a classic:
I've actually finished this model now, but have yet to take a pic of it! I'll use this Chaos Dwarf Death Rocket as a Helstorm in my Empire army.

That's it!